Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Judge Appointments Cannot Be Taken Lightly...

The activist ruling today on the components of the Arizona 'Immigration' Law is evidence that judgeships should not be appointed without heavy consideration. Over a decade ago, Clinton appointed Judge Bolton, which was seemingly inconsequential. Turns out, she would play an ENORMOUS role in today's political landscape. As the Administration tries to create chaos and tension, she just drove a divisive wedge between two aggravated groups on a collision course with conflict.

Conservative talk radio commented today that the legal argument for an injunction must be very, very strong. Consider that the people of Arizona elected the legislators, who in turn are governing with the clear consent of the people. The Federal Government should take note of this, as about 60% of the people of America support this law. It carries even stronger support in Arizona, which has become dangerous as a result of the lack of enforcement and resources by Federal Border Agents.

There are two giant problems with this issue and this Judge as well as the Administration are on the wrong side of both. First, the Federal Government is failing to enforce the existing immigration laws and protect our Southern border. The second problem is that the States have every right, frankly an obligation to it's citizens, to protect the residents.

While the Judge will be touted and enjoy her fifteen minutes of fame, the Democrats will claim a victory here. Nonetheless, the righteous citizens of Arizona and the rest of the country realize that the 'war' in November will be won. This battle was lost because Liberals bought a trump card many years ago when Billy Clinton appointed this judge.

This brings us back to the point - Judge appointments matter. Supreme Court appointments are very significant as they endure for life. Activist or politically strategic appointments are simply a trump card to be played at a later date. What might come before the court over the next decade? It is my opinion that every piece of destructive legislation this President and Congress have passed against our will should end up before the highest Court.

Will judges like Kagan interpret laws and defend the Constitution? I'm afraid that the answer is not certainly 'yes', which means that she and other radical political allies should be voted down. The day will come when the toils of the Nation fall into the lap of one key person, one moment in time when a single vote matters.

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